European EN 13773

A flame is applied to a vertically oriented test fabric to determine the burning behavior.

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Test method

Test method

The test specimen is placed in a vertical metal frame. A propane gas flame is applied to the test sample. The test is pursued according to a predefined scheme.

Test procedure scheme

EN 1101 method to determine ignitability

A test specimen is oriented vertically on a specimen holder. A burner flame is applied to the specimen. The behavior of the fabric is observed. If ignition occurs, the ignition time is recorded. If ignition occurs, the test continues following standard EN 1102, if not, following EN 13773.

EN 1102 method to determine flame speed

The flame is applied to the test material which is hung vertically for 10 secs. The time needed to reach three defined marked points on the specimen is noted. The test material is categorized Class 4 or 5 based on the flame spread time.

EN 13773 method to measure flame spread

A heat source with defined energy is applied to the back of a vertical specimen. After exposure a small flame is applied to a piece of cotton fabric wrapped around the bottom of the specimen. Flame spread is measured by determining the time taken to reach reference points on the specimen.


The test material is categorised Class 1 to 5: Class 1 with no ignition for EN 1101 and first marker thread not reached for EN 13773; Class 2 with no ignition for EN 1101 and third marker thread not reached for EN 13773; Class 3 with no ignition for EN 1101 and third marker thread reached for EN 13773; Class 4 with ignition for EN 1101 and third marker thread not reached for EN 1102; Class 5 with ignition for EN 1101 and third marker thread reached for EN 1102.

Test result classification

EN 13773 test

Certified testlabs

  • Centexbel
  • Technologiepark 7
    B-9052 Zwijnaarde
  • 0032 922 041 51